Sunday 15 July 2012

First Week in the Office

The picture above is the glorious view from the top of Mount Royale. I took this picture on Wednesday lunch time. Mount Royale is just behind the building I work in and you can to the top and back in a lunch hour - how great is that?

This is particularly great in the gorgeous sun that you can see here - take a look at how it sparkles through the trees on the way up to the top...

Other highlights from my first week include a very North American style motivational meeting thing that involved hundreds of people talking about what we do well - and then 'karate chopping' (that's what it's called right?) a piece of wood with something we want to stop doing. It all seemed a bit silly at first (I'm British and cynical) but was actually really satisfying to do and probably about as Jackie Chan as I'm ever going to get. Here's the board I smashed through and for future reference: don't mess with me, I'm badass.

Also on my desk: lovely stationary courtesy of lovely work pals

I'm not going to talk too much about what I do at work but what I will say is that the major, fundamental difference between work here and at home, is that everything that combines food and work is so much better here. Case one: every meeting has food and drinks and they are so good (the kung fu meeting had cookies, a great fruit selection, all kinds of tea, great coffee and exciting selection of sodas - it wasn't even over lunch or anything). Case two: Friday team lunch. We went to this breakfast type place (breakfast is massive here, which suits me just fine) and I had the following:

It's called a Breakfast Pizza. The base is halfway between pizza dough and a pancake. Baked into it are sweet apple pieces, then its topped with cheddar and ham. I love sweet/salty combos more than ANYTHING (are you boring eaters freaking out yet?) so this was perfect. On the side were two eggs (over easy, baby) and fried taters. Oh and fruit, for health, y'know? Anyway, I got into the Canadian spirit and poured the maple stuff! It was sublime and pretty much had to roll back to the office. 

OK that's enough about work (I know I didn't really talk about work at all - but that's the boring bit right?).  Before I go, check out these pictures - Montreal is gearing up for its comedy festival and I can't wait to see how it's weird stuff compares with The Fringe - more on that later.

Here's looking at you kid that's how you get the ship in the bottle...

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