Tuesday 10 July 2012

View from the Roof

View from my pool: cool art-deco 'scraper 

Oh heya, how's it going?

I started this post at the weekend, sat by my roof top pool. The sun was shining, the delicious scent of dead animal wafted from the barbecue and I was very content. My iPad, on the other hand, was not. Like a typical Brit on holiday, it informed me 'iPad is too hot and needs to turn off'. Typical. So my post continues tonight, on my bed, which doesn't make for such a great setting but I guess it'll do.

So I wanted to tell you all about my first weekend in Montreal!

On Saturday, I woke up late and finally finished my unpacking. My apartment is now decorated with arty postcards and friendly faces (the trademark of every room I've had since my first year of uni) and my bathroom looks properly full and girly.

The problem with unpacking and decorating is that, by it's nature, it's always accompanied by a lot of 'faffing about'. By the time it was done, it was early evening. Worried that I had wasted a whole day, I was about to head out for a wander when I bumped into a neighbour I'd met on my first evening. We got chatting and he told me about a party upstairs. Did I want to go? Hell yes I wanted to go.

On entering, I was greeted by a whole load of people exclaiming how much they loved British accents and a lovely lady presented me with a Strongbow. By her manner, I believe I was expected to consider this some sort of delicacy so I smiled warmly and the evening went from there...

By midnight, I found myself in The Village, Montreal's answer to Canal Street. The area is pedestrianised and, like its populace, incredibly well turned out. The club we got to (don't ask me the name, I've forgotten) had three floors - cool latin tunes with awesome dancers (J-Bizzle and his better half's kinda thing) on the first floor, 90s/00s dance classics on the second and techno on the third. Obviously it was 90s all the way pour moi. I drank Montreal beer which was surprisingly cheap and dragged myself home around 2. 

Pink bubbles in The Village

So Sunday, I was kinda sleepy but managed to rouse myself in order to attend Elaine's wonderful Wimbledon party (via Skype so no delicious Pimms for me). Sadly, I discovered I can no longer access iPlayer and the connection I did find was pretty delayed. This meant I spent most of my morning watching my friends watch the tennis rather than watching it myself. C'est la vie.

Sensing Murray's impending doom as the roof went over, I went to the shop in order to find some consolatory snacks. And just look at what I found!!

Problem was, after eating all of these, I really had to do something to make up for my binge. Fortunately for me, my building has a rooftop gym and pool. Which is, not so coincidentally, where you found me at the start of this post...so I guess it's a good place to end.

I've had two days at work now but I'll tell you all about that in the next post. Teaser: it involves kung-fu.


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