Monday 30 July 2012

Things I like about Montreal: Bike lanes

Hey blog fans! Sorry it's been a while, I've just been getting on with it a bit, y'know?

Anyway work's good, weather's still good, it's basically all good.

So this weekend I went on a little adventure. I started the day with a little brunch, sat outside in the sun. And because food is great, here's what I ate (sensing a theme to these posts?):

So my new gal pal and I kind of had to do something about the amount of stodge we had eaten and Montreal had the answer: bicycle adventure!

In Montreal they have a similar system to Boris' Bikes (but probably better because Johnson is a div) where you can find a set of bikes every block or so and you can rent them for super cheap. Now, anyone who's heard the story of the time I bought a £15 bike from Gumtree, knows that me and bikes aren't always bezzer mates. However, many holidays where the rest of the fam insists that we hire bikes in the middle of the day in the super heat, has sort of prepared me to love a city bike tour. And Montreal, for a built up city, is so set up for bikes, it has great bike lanes! I would normally freak out about driving on busy city centre roads on a bike with no helmet (soz Mum, there wasn't one available) but here it was no problem.

We headed north-east of downtown to an area called The Plateau (lovely name right?) and Mile End. Mile End is the area where a lot of the big student protests that happened earlier in the year began. Luckily for us, the neighbourhood was peaceful and gloriously sunny. We dropped out bikes off and wandered around suburbia. 

A little bit of Sir Scott in Canada?

An extra special part of the day was thanks to my friend's guidebooking: 'apparently one of Montreal's best ice cream shops is just round the corner, would probably be a bit rude not to take a look'. Oh yes, it would be.

 If hobbits did fancy pants dairy products...

I had blackberry sorbet and praline and yes, it was as good as it looks. Much ice cream eating did mean it was time to get back on the bikes to work it off and this time we headed a little further out of town towards Little Italy. This area turned out to be a little less exciting than Mile End but we did stumble on a truly magnificent farmer's market. Now, I love a farmer's market, especially when there's tasters (Stockbridge on a Sunday!) and this one had tasters with bell's on! Plus, a few vegetables that neither of us had actually seen before, live lobsters, an oyster shucking bar and more maple syrup than I could really comprehend.

Multi-coloured chilli tree!

 Teeny tiny 'tatoes

 I know a boy who is going to enjoy these

Just a small portion of the maple syrup on offer

So after the market, stuffed and happy, we wobbled back to downtown (downhill on the way back is always nice!) and said good bye to our bikes. Cracking day!

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